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    Old beagle dog wrapped up in a blanket to keep warm in winter

    Keeping Your Fur Babies Safe and Cosy this Winter

    With the colder months now upon us, we thought it is a good time to share a few tips for keeping our fur babies safe and happy.

    Protect Your Furbabies from the Cold

    Most dogs love nothing better than going for a daily walk or two, but in the case of extreme weather, or even just moderately cold weather, it might be best to check that they do not get too cold.

    Although here in WA we are not usually subject to the same wildly fluctuating temperatures as our Eastern counterparts, we still feel the effects. Just like their human pawrents, dogs can get cold in wintertime and should be protected against ailments such as dry noses, frostbite, and hypothermia. While it is great to wrap your dog up in a raincoat or jacket to keep them warm, make sure it does not restrict their movement.

    Keep Your Dog Warm and Comfortable Indoors

    If your fur baby is shivering or shaking, acting anxious, or seeking warm places, it is a sign they are feeling the cold. Generally speaking, if it is too cold for you, it is probably too cold for them. Keep them indoors, making sure their dog bed or resting place is elevated and away from drafts, and you can add an extra blanket to keep them extra cozy.

    Protect Your Dog’s Paws from Cold Weather

    As their paws are not protected, you could look into protective booties to keep their little feet nice and warm when they play outside or go for a walk. Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air, chilly rain, and sometimes sleet can cause chapped paws and itchy flaking skin. Repeatedly coming out of the cold into the dry heat of your home is one of the causes.

    Towel dry your fur baby as soon as you come in, paying special attention to their feet and in between their toes. Sometimes massaging petroleum jelly or other paw protectorants into their paw pads before going out can help too.

    Provide Extra Care and Nutrition to Your Dogs in Winter

    Our fur babies also burn extra energy by trying to stay warm, so feeding them a little bit more can provide much-needed calories. As always, make sure there is plenty of water for them to drink- it helps to keep them hydrated and their skin less dry.

    Bathing and Grooming Tips for Your Fur Babies in Winter

    Bathe them as little as possible since it can remove essential oils and increase the chance of developing dry, flaky skin. If you must bathe them, make sure to use a moisturizing shampoo and/or rinse.

    An Interesting Aside on Parked Cars and Wildlife

    Parked cars can attract cats and small wildlife seeking warmth, which may crawl under the hood. Before starting your engine, bang on the hood to scare them away to avoid harm to animals.

    I do hope these tips help keep all our special family members safe, happy, and cozy this winter.

    Jenny + the House and Pet Sitters Team!
    Got a question? get in touch with Jenny
    Relax and enjoy your holiday!